Have you been following along with the Artemisia blog tour? We’ve been visiting some cool folks and talking about all sorts of aspects of online learning, sweater construction, and design.
Today’s post is over at the blog of one of my favorite people (and friends), Kim Werker. Kim is a writer, editor, and designer, and all around fascinating person. Her current project is a new digital format magazine called The Holocene, which has a cool new micro-magazine concept that I am completely in love with! We talked about the pros and cons and behind-the-scenes bits of online learning platforms like Craftsy.com.
Now, I know you’ve been reading all about this blog tour, and I’ve been posting a ton of Artemisia photos. You’d probably like something else to look at, right? While working on the book, I can’t really post photos of what I’m working on, which is sad. So here are some completely random photos…of sloths.
Whenever I get stressed out or need a cute photo to cheer me up, I look at Slothville. It’s a blog run by photographer Lucy Cooke, full of images and video of sloths. Many were taken at the Aviarios sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica. I’m not going to lie, visiting the sloth sanctuary would be my dream vacation. Who has two thumbs and loves sloths? This girl.
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