Learn Brioche Knitting!

Craftsy Brioche Class

The Last Yarn I Loved- Kenzie by HiKoo

So I know I’ve mentioned how I wanted to come up with something to write about here on the blog while I’m sworn to secrecy about THE BOOK. It’s harder than it sounds. It seems like everything is revolving around book projects right now.

But while taking some time to read posts over at my […]

What the heck is Sulia?

If you follow me on Twitter or the Mercedes Knits Facebook page (You do, right? You don’t?! Well, let’s fix that right now.), you’ve probably noticed many of my new updates on general knitting and crochet news link through a site called Sulia.com.

What is Sulia?

Well the best (and funniest) description that I’ve heard […]

Wrapture Winner!

Winner winner chicken dinner! We have a winner for the Wrapture giveaway.

Shabbyroads, please email me at mercedes-at-knitn-dot-com with your mailing address so the nice folks at Eucalan can mail you your prize.

Didn’t win? Don’t fret, you can purchase Eucalan HERE, or ask your friendly neighborhood yarn shop.
