Happy New Year! So far, 2013 has shot off like a bottle rocket, and is moving so fast I can hardly keep up.
Because it’s the new year, and everyone and their mama is talking about resolutions, I have goals on the brain. I try to think in terms of GOALS, not the often vaguer resolutions, because the more specific I am, the more I seem to accomplish, with less lingering guilt. Goals can shift, be tailored to new situations, and be broken down into baby steps.
So what ARE my goals?
Write more: I’ve been neglecting this poor blog. I plan to use the awesome idea that I am totally stealing from Ann and Kay, the Mason Dixon Knitters, who are instituting “lightning round blogging” on the MDK blog. Set a timer for 15 minutes, write, write, write, when the bell rings, hit publish. I’m doing it RIGHT NOW. I’ve been writing for both Sulia and Magic City Post, and would like to branch out into more publications as time allows.
Exercise more, and more kindly: I’ve finally straightened out some lingering health problems, and am taking up both running and yoga again. My exercise goals? Run 3 times a week. Don’t worry about speed, just enjoy getting some fresh air and occasional sunshine. Do yoga just because it feels good, and just laugh when I inevitably topple over in triangle or half moon pose at some point. Walk the dog and explore my new neighborhood (We moved this summer, into the actual city, and we’re renting out the house we didn’t want to be in anymore. So. Much. Relief.). And I signed up for classes with my favorite bellydancing teacher, so I’m gettin’ my shimmy on.
Make some clothes: Even after shedding at least half of the clothing I owned before moving, I have more than I need. So this seems like the perfect opportunity to add some lovingly made clothing to my closet. I signed up for a Tailored Shirt class through Craftsy, and am looking forward to getting back into sewing, as well as knitting for myself (at some point!).
Learn some new skills: I haven’t pinned down my exact mini-goals for this, but after writing a post for MCP about crafty New Year’s resolutions, I have lots of ideas.
So that’s what I’m up to in 2013. What are you doing in the New Year?