Learn Brioche Knitting!

Craftsy Brioche Class


I’m not just a geek, but also a total nerd. Being back in school has made this clear.

I took Latin for 3 years in high school. I can’t remember verb tenses to save my life, but the classes sparked a lifelong interest in etymology and vocabulary. I often look at words and try to […]

Interweave Yarn Fest

I’ve taught at Interweave Knitting Lab twice in the last year or so, and LOVE the events. The students in my classes were enthusiastic, adventurous, and so much fun!

This April, Interweave is expanding Knitting Lab into a multi-craft event called Interweave Yarn Fest, full classes on knitting, crochet, weaving, spinning, and more. I’ll […]

2 new sweaters and a sweet SALE.

It’s been a while since I’ve sent anything out, because things here have been INSANE. My husband and I traveled to New Mexico in June (so amazing and gorgeous), and while we were gone, our apartment was robbed. Little did we know this was just the first incident in what we first dubbed “The Week […]