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Craftsy Brioche Class

A slow re-entry into 2012

group bibs

It’s the 19th, and I’m just now feeling like I have a handle on the beginning of the new year. Mostly.

Those that know me on closely, in regular life and on twitter, know that I had a sad family event on the 9th that threw things into a tailspin. The best laid plans of mice and men, indeed. I’m gathering my thoughts and words on that, and will post here soon. I spent most of last week in Savannah, GA, with my husband, Mom, and sister; so this week has been a slow re-entry into a regular schedule of work and life tasks, with a tiny bit of socializing with close friends. As an introvert who normally works alone most days, the last week of constant companionship and shared space threw me, so I’m trying to get back to my center before I venture out with larger groups.

pink stripe bib

For many days in Savannah, I kept trying to focus on my design projects for work, only to find I had the attention span of a ferret on amphetamines. So upon my return home to AL, I busted out my stash of dishcloth cotton, my copy of Mason Dixon Knitting, and got to work on some baby bibs, a long-overdue gift to a cousin and her new twins. Comfort knitting, mindless activity, and a celebration of new life all rolled into one.

aqua stripe bib

I made a mash-up/hybrid of Ann’s and Kay’s Baby Bib O’ Love and Baby Genius Burp Cloth, with i-cord ties. And a word of warning, Peaches and Creme fans, but P&C has some new strange scented cotton, with a not-too-obvious label. So if you’re scent sensitive, keep an eye out for that tiny oval stamp on the standard label. I didn’t find the smell overpowering, but others may not feel the same.

pnc scented

Today I have a small stash of bibs to mail off, and yesterday I managed to complete the math on one lace pattern, and charting on another.

Things are starting to get back to normal, or, as normal as it gets. I think that’s a pretty good thing.


  • http://twitter.com/ThingsBright Elizabeth Drouillard

    I’m glad to hear this.  I’m so sorry for all you’ve gone through.  My condolences to you and your family.

    • Mercedes

      Thanks, Elizabeth. It’s been hard, but focusing on some work seems good right now.