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Craftsy Brioche Class

Adventures in your own backyard

I went out to the backyard yesterday, on the hunt for some dandelion greens to feed my pet lizard, Raoul, and found several interesting things I hadn’t previously noticed growing in the yard.

volunteer collards

As I opened the gate to my compost bin, I found not only a clump of dandelions on the edge of the pile, but two robust, thriving heads of collard greens. These little guys had been tossed in there after I had accidentally beheaded them with some clumsy skuffle hoe work. I guess I gave up on them too soon! I’m now debating whether or not to transplant them, eat them, or let them stay put. Any thoughts, gardeners?

Last winter, Chris felled a few trees whose shallow root systems were not holding them up very straight anymore. I hate to see trees cut down, but these were an impending threat to our (and our roof’s) safety. We still have a few stumps, partially burnt out, that have become home to some fascinating-looking fungi! Check out these adorable, lamb’s ear-esque, fuzzy brown cuties!

fuzzy fungus

And this one, that has a powdery texture and reminds me a little bit of brain coral. I love the contrast of the stark white on the black, burnt charcoal stump wood, with greyed-out bark ringing the area.

white fungus

And of course, I did find some dandelions for Raoul. Even for Alabama, it has been weirdly warm this winter, so the dandelions are still plentiful, although their leaves are far smaller than they were in the autumn.


Raoul will be pleased.